Love begins with me

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Wednesday, August 6, 2014

Let's Travel to Bali the island of love : Atherosclerosis ASVD) doesn't always need stents or bypass surgery

Let's Travel to Bali the island of love : Atherosclerosis ASVD) doesn't always need stents or bypass surgery

Jantung Koroner Tidak Selalu Harus Pasang Ring atau
Operasi.bypass  .                                       Sehubungan dgn
banyaknya kasus penyempitan pembuluh darah terutama di jantung yg pada
awalnya dirasakan sebagai sesak napas atau napas terengah–engah atau
cepat lelah (misalnya naik tangga), bersama ini di informasikan bahwa
penanganan penyempitan pembuluh darah tsb TIDAK SELALU  hrs dilakukan
dgn pemasangan ring (Stent) atau bahkan operasi by pass. Saat ini
penanganan pembuluh darah di jantung yg menyempit dpt dilakukan dgn cara
di infus. Cairan infus yg di import tsb mampu mengikis (membersihkan)
plaque (gumpalan2 yg umumnya berupa calsium) pada bagian dlm pembuluh
darah yg menghambat aliran darah. Tergantung dari parah atau tidaknya
penyempitan tsb, Dr. Yahya Kisyanto, yg alamat prakteknya di daerah
Cikini, menggunakan dua macam cairan infus. Pengobatan penyempitan
pembuluh darah dgn cara di infus ini biayanya sangat terjangkau oleh
masyarakat umum dan sudah banyak pasien yg berhasil ditangani.                                           
1. Dr. Yahya Kisyanto merupakan dokter yg sangat senior di bidang
Cardiologist & Internist - sangat sosial dan sangat membantu pasien,
bahkan pasien yg datang pd hari Minggu pun dilayani.                  

2. Biaya yg dibebankan juga sangat sosial. Ada 2 - macam cairan infus yg
digunakan harganya sekitar Rp 600 ribu dan Rp 1,3 juta – per infus -
tergantung parahnya penyempitan. Harga ini jauh lebih sosial dibanding
dgn klinik Cardiologi lainnya.                  

3. Jam praktek Dr. Yahya Kiswanto, dari jam 08 pagi sampai jam 14 siang
dan sore jam 18 sampai jam 22  atau dgn perjanjian. Nomor telepon 

(021) 319 –25353.     

Klinik Abdi Medika (Cikini). .         
Informasi ini tidak ada salahnya Anda sebarkan kpd pihak lain untuk membantu sesama yg mungkin sedang membutuhkan.
Semoga bermanfaat.
 Atherosclerosis (also known as
arteriosclerotic vascular disease or ASVD) is a specific form of
arteriosclerosis in which an artery wall thickens as a result of
invasion and accumulation of white blood cells
(termed "fatty streaks" early on because of appearance being similar to
that of marbled steak) and containing both living active WBCs (called
inflammation) and remnants of dead cells, including cholesterol and
eventually calcium and other crystallized materials, within the
outer-most and oldest plaque. These changes reduce the elasticity of the
artery walls but do not affect blood flow for decades because the
artery muscular wall enlarges at the locations of plaque. However, the
wall stiffening may eventually increase pulse pressure; widened pulse
pressure is one possible result of advanced disease within the major
arteries. It is a syndrome affecting arterial blood vessels, a chronic
inflammatory response, i.e. white blood cells, in the walls of arteries,
largely involving the accumulation of macrophages and white blood cells
and promoted by low-density lipoproteins (LDL, plasma proteins that
carry cholesterol and triglycerides) without adequate removal of fats
and cholesterol from the macrophages by functional high-density
lipoproteins (HDL) (see apoA-1 Milano). It is commonly referred to as a
"hardening" or furring of the arteries. It is caused by the formation of
multiple atheromatous plaques within the arteries
patients and alike ASVD) doesn't always need stents or bypass surgery

Source : Life Extension

Saturday, June 7, 2014

Bali Promotion Center: The best hottoys in Indonesia :Hilton Toys

Bali Promotion Center: The best hottoys in Indonesia :Hilton Toys: “The Jakarta Toys and Comic Fair 2014″  Joker 1989 Mime Version DX 14 Bagi para penggemar mainan,

Di dalam toys fair sendiri ada banyak yang bisa kamu lihat selain
membeli mainan, sebagai contoh, display yang dibawa oleh perusahaan
mainan besar Hot Toys dan Tamashii Nation. Hot toys membawakan hall of
armor, dimana banyak sekali HT iron man dipamerkan, sekaligus membuka
pre-order khusus untuk HT dari seri Captain America. Sedangkan Tamashii
Nation membawa banyak merchandise dari lini Kamen Rider, bahkan ada
sample S.H.Figuarts Kamen Rider Robo dan Bio yang akan melengkapi seri
Kamen Rider Black RX!
Kira-kira itulah yang acara yang terdapat di acara The Jakarta Toys and
Comic Fair 2014 ini, saya harap komunitas kolektor akan bertambah kuat
dan semoga acara ini akan semakin solid ke depannya. Asal jangan
sering-sering saja, dompet saya bisa menangis kalau harus belanja terus.
Terima kasih kepada tim Sacca Production atas acaranya setiap tahun, semoga tetap sukses dan berkembang setiap tahunnya! Terima kasih kepada Panji Hadinugraha, Anthony Kurniawan dan Arya Pradana atas foto-fotonya
Reserve your toys today & get the hottest toys

Hiltontoys only sells 100% guaranteed authentic, genuine,
authorized & officially licensed merchandise from reputable manufacturers,
distributors & suppliers. Avoid counterfeit, fraud & fake product scams
by purchasing only from a reputable retailer like

Bali Promotion Center: The best hottoys in Indonesia :Hilton Toys

Bali Promotion Center: The best hottoys in Indonesia :Hilton Toys: “The Jakarta Toys and Comic Fair 2014″  Joker 1989 Mime Version DX 14 Bagi para penggemar mainan,

Di dalam toys fair sendiri ada banyak yang bisa kamu lihat selain
membeli mainan, sebagai contoh, display yang dibawa oleh perusahaan
mainan besar Hot Toys dan Tamashii Nation. Hot toys membawakan hall of
armor, dimana banyak sekali HT iron man dipamerkan, sekaligus membuka
pre-order khusus untuk HT dari seri Captain America. Sedangkan Tamashii
Nation membawa banyak merchandise dari lini Kamen Rider, bahkan ada
sample S.H.Figuarts Kamen Rider Robo dan Bio yang akan melengkapi seri
Kamen Rider Black RX!
Kira-kira itulah yang acara yang terdapat di acara The Jakarta Toys and
Comic Fair 2014 ini, saya harap komunitas kolektor akan bertambah kuat
dan semoga acara ini akan semakin solid ke depannya. Asal jangan
sering-sering saja, dompet saya bisa menangis kalau harus belanja terus.
Terima kasih kepada tim Sacca Production atas acaranya setiap tahun, semoga tetap sukses dan berkembang setiap tahunnya! Terima kasih kepada Panji Hadinugraha, Anthony Kurniawan dan Arya Pradana atas foto-fotonya
Reserve your toys today & get the hottest toys

Hiltontoys only sells 100% guaranteed authentic, genuine,
authorized & officially licensed merchandise from reputable manufacturers,
distributors & suppliers. Avoid counterfeit, fraud & fake product scams
by purchasing only from a reputable retailer like

Tuesday, May 27, 2014

Tanda anda memiliki hubungan yang sehat

Signs a lady is Not Ready To Get Married

Tanda-tanda pria belum siap nikah sudah pernah dibahas. Kini saatnya membahas tanda-tanda bila wanita tak siap menikah.
Pertanyaan "kapan menikah?" seringkali dilemparkan, dan membuat banyak wanita jadi emosi serta sensitif. Namun di balik rencana pernikahan di mana sekian banyak wanita ingin menikah di rentang usia 24-27 tahun, ternyata ada keraguan dan rasa takut yang besar.
Bila Anda merasakan hal-hal berikut ini, maka Anda sebenarnya memang belum siap menikah:
Takut terlambat menikah akibat perkataan orang
Apa yang melatarbelakangi keinginan Anda menikah? Benarkah itu cinta?
Bila Anda hanya ingin menikah agar orang berhenti bertanya 'kapan menikah?' hal itu adalah sebuah kesalahan. Cinta memang harus menjadi satu-satunya dasar sebuah pernikahan, bukan perkataan orang lain.
Tidak ada rasa percaya
Di antara Anda dan dia sebenarnya tidak ada kepercayaan. Keduanya sama-sama sering menaruh curiga. Bisa dibayangkan bagaimana rumah tangga seperti itu kan? Di mana rasa percaya itu tidak ada dan sebuah hubungan hanya didasarkan hal yang tidak kuat seperti nafsu, atau gengsi.
Takut komitmen
Wanita juga pernah takut komitmen lho. Takut akan kepopulerannya terampas, takut tidak akan ada yang mengagumi kecantikannya lagi. Dan bila seorang wanita merasakan hal tersebut, maka sebaiknya ia menunda pernikahannya.
Tidak tepat janji
Anda sadar bahwa selama ini Anda sering membohongi pasangan. Anda juga masih berhubungan dengan para mantan dan bahkan membuka diri untuk berkenalan dengan pria lain. Komitmen kecil berpacaran saja Anda belum bisa memegangnya, apalagi komitmen besar seperti menikah.
Masih ada hal lain yang ingin dikejar
Anda punya planning panjang lebar dan detail soal masa depan, terutama karier. Namun bicara soal pernikahan, Anda hanya punya planning mengatur bagaimana pesta pernikahan impian. Ada yang salah dengan Anda, Anda menunjukkan bahwa Anda memang belum siap menikah.

Signs You Are Not Ready To Get Married

  All of your friends are getting engaged or into serious relationships, and every single time a new one announces their good news, you kind of feel like they died a little bit.

You have a huge list of things you want to do in the next few years, and not a single one has to do with being in a relationship.

You’ve broken up with people who were perfectly nice, simply because you knew that you were wasting both of your time by being together when you didn’t want it to go anywhere.

There is a little switch in your ear that you turn to “mute” when your parents/family members start going off at you again about how you should be meeting someone nice.

The thing is, you have met someone nice. You’ve met dozens of nice people, and they’re called your friends.

You say that you are married to your career, and that is only somewhat a joke. It’s mostly pretty true, when you think about it.

People ask you how you’re going to have children if you don’t get married soon, and all you can do is laugh uncontrollably in their faces.

 Every time you see a new romantic comedy that’s all centered on an otherwise-interesting person dedicating their whole lives to finding love, you want to throw yourself off a bridge just a little bit.

You love eating alone, and some of your best memories include finishing several chapters while holed up at the little corner table of your favorite restaurant.

People think that you’ve been hurt really badly and that’s why you’re “afraid” of getting married, and you don’t even have the energy to correct them about it anymore.

The entire idea of weddings and gowns and receptions and cakes just seems kind of weird to you. Well, maybe not the cake. The cake and free alcohol can stay, but you don’t see why you have to get married to get all of that.

The thought of being attached to a single person for the rest of your natural life makes you feel like you’re wearing an itchy wool turtleneck on a summer day.

Every time you attend someone’s wedding, you find the little group of cool people who hate this kind of bullshit, and spend the whole time getting drunk with them and making fun of people.

You genuinely don’t understand why people regard your whole life as incomplete if you’re not headed somewhere serious with a partner.

You can name a million things you love about yourself that have nothing to do with your relationship status, and wish that everyone else was capable of doing the same thing.

You wish that there was a kind of website for people who are just genuinely looking to meet other, awesome humans that don’t fall into the “long-term partner” category or “one night stand” category — like OkCupid for friends who maybe occasionally have sex with each other?

The people you think you are just “casually seeing” are always kept at enough of an arm’s length that they don’t get any weird ideas about where this is going.

There are many times where you’ve thought to yourself that marriage as an institution is just kind of bullshit to begin with.

 If you did want to get married, you know that you are not yet the person who should be doing that. You have to go through at least a dozen more life changes/improvements before you could consider yourself ready for that kind of thing.

You kind of suspect that a huge number of the people getting married around you are going to be getting divorced not too far in the future.
  Several of them already have, and you’re trying your best not to feel “I told you so” about the whole thing. Because that would be rude.

5 Ciri Hubungan Cinta Yang Tangguh Dan and memiliki hubungan yang sehat - Pernah nggak Anda melihat pasangan yang kelihatan adem ayem dan jarang terlihat memiliki konflik? Sebenarnya semua pasangan akan menghadapi konflik dalam kehidupan percintaan mereka. Semua tergantung bagaimana mereka mengatasi dan menghadapinya bersama-sama.

Ingin tahu resep hubungan cinta yang adem ayem dan tangguh seperti itu? Setidaknya Anda perlu memiliki beberapa ciri seperti ini.

Saling Menyemangati

Bukan saling mengubah sifat buruk masing-masing. Namun saling menyemangati untuk menjadi lebih baik dan positif. Bukan cuma melarang untuk tidak melakukan ini dan itu. Tapi katakanlah, "Berjanjilah pada dirimu sendiri bahwa kamu tidak akan mudah menyerah sekalipun banyak aral yang melintang." Cara seperti ini membuat pasangan merasa saling mendukung satu sama lain.

Saling Bahagia

Saat berada bersama satu sama lain, Anda dan pasangan merasa sangat bahagia. Itulah tandanya kalau Anda dan dia memang sama-sama menikmati hubungan ini. Bahkan ketika Anda dan dia saling berdiam diri, Anda dan dia bisa berkomunikasi dengan nyaman meski hanya saling menatap dan tersenyum.

Komunikasi Yang Berkualitas

Ketika komunikasi bukan lagi sebuah kewajiban, namun sudah menjadi kebutuhan Anda dan dia. Maka sudah ada fondasi rasa di mana Anda dan dia memang saling mempedulikan satu dengan lain. Apapun medianya dan bagaimana caranya, Anda dan pasangan bisa berkomunikasi dengan baik. Dan yang pasti, ada kejujuran dalam komunikasi itu.

Sama-Sama Punya Visi Masa Depan

Ciri lainnya adalah keinginan Anda dan dia untuk menatap masa depan bersama. Memang sih jalan ke depan tak mudah, namun sebuah hubungan yang kuat akan semakin menjalar dan menyatukan visi-misinya bersama sehingga masa depan itu bukan milik Anda atau dia, tapi Anda berdua.

Masalah Tak Membuat Anda Menyerah

Ketika ada masalah, yang Anda lakukan bukan menyerah atau merasa kalah seakan hubungan itu ada di ujung tanduk. Kalau hubungan Anda berdua bisa makin kuat seiring masalah yang Anda hadapi, maka Anda senantiasa siap dengan level hubungan yang berikutnya.

Semua pasangan bisa membangkitkan potensi ini dalam hubungan cinta mereka. Yang diperlukan adalah kesungguhan dan komitmen untuk menjalani proses hubungan cinta tersebut,.
 Semoga bermanfaat, Ladies.hHubungan Cinta Yang Tangguh Dan Setia

Sunday, May 25, 2014

Bali Promotion Center: Kimye set to exchange vows at Forte di Beldevere, ...

Bali Promotion Center: Kimye set to exchange vows at Forte di Beldevere, ...:

Kim Kardashian and Kanye West set to tie the nuptial knot at Forte Di Beldevere,Florence, Italy Once and for all Kim Kardashian and Kanye West eventually married .  ...

Her groom, who surprised Kardashian with a
performance by one of her favorite singers, Lana Del Rey, made a touching
speech about his wife-to-be.

"He was telling everyone stories until Kim said,
'OK, let everyone drink and do their thing now,'" a source told Us.

"Kanye kept making the cutest remarks to her.
He said, 'It's amazing to look around this room, there are so many talented
people,'" the source continued.

"Then Kim said, 'And beautiful people.'"
'Yeah, but Kim's way more beautiful than I am talented,' West continued, it was
so sweet — he said a couple adorable things like that. They seemed so

Kim Kardashian, Kanye West wedding festivities have taken flight as the
Hollywood couple and their hundreds of guests have touched down in Italy for
the highly anticipated ceremony.
pair are set to say "I do" at Florence's Forte di Belvedere around 6
pm Saturday while their star-studded attendees look on.
Bruce Jenner and Scott
Disick arrive by private jet to Florence Airport for Kim Kardashian and Kanye
West wedding.
décor for the lavish affair includes a spectacular wall of flowers, just like
the Mother's Day present gifted to Kardashian by her future husband earlier
this month, Us Weekly reported
blooms include white gardenias, white peonies and white roses from Paris and
Belgium," a source told the mag.
the couple officially exchange vows, guests will  reportedly sit together at a 70-metre-long
marble banquet table looking over the skyline of Florence.
twosome plunked down $420,000 to rent the restored Italian garrison, which was
built by Grand Duke Ferdinando I de' Medici in 1590.

appeared gorgeously stunning as she wed the man of her dreams at Florence’s
16th-century Forte di Belvedere.

couple said “I do” in a sunset ceremony before 200 friends and family members
(and a six-meters wall of flowers) at the historic Forte Di Belvedere in
Florence, Italy.

34-year-old bride put on a custom-made Givenchy gown, designed with the help of
Riccardo Tisci.

daughter North also wore Givenchy by Riccardo Tisci and West looked dapper too,
wearing a Givenchy by Riccardo Tisci tuxedo.

has been friendly with the Kardashian-Wests and also designed the floral gown
Kardashian wore to the punk-themed Met Gala in 2013.

don’t expect to see many pictures of the ceremony as the rights to the photos
have been sewn up in a deal with a very hefty price tag. Grainy pictures on
social media show Kim in a long-sleeved, white lace Givenchy gown. Radar Online
also has an exclusive image .

Wilkinson Jr. officiated the ceremony, which was nothing less than spectacular.

the wedding, the couple, along with their guests, enjoyed a magical performance
by Andrea Bocelli. The famed Italian tenor serenaded Kim and Kanye with several
songs, including "Con te Partiro."

The couple rented the
fort, located next to Florence's famed Boboli Gardens, for 300,000 euros
($410,000). A Protestant minister will preside, spokeswoman Elisa Di Lupo told
The Associated Press in a phone interview. The 36-year-old rapper proposed to
the reality star on her 33rd birthday in October 2013 renting out San
Francisco's AT&T Park for the occasion. This is the first marriage for
West, who was previously engaged to designer Alexis Phifer. It's the third trip
down the aisle for Kardashian. She got married to the  music producer Damon Thomas from 2000 to 2003,
and spent 72 days married to professional basketball player Kris Humphries in
2011 after tying the knot in a lavish ceremony that was broadcast as a two-part
TV special. There has been no explicit confirmation from either Kardashian or
West about the wedding. In an email Thursday to AP, Kardashian's representative
Ina Treciokas said she wasn't able to comment on reports about the nuptials.
But in an interview with Florence's La Nazione newspaper Friday, West extolled
the beauty of Florence and spoke of the event. Asked if he was excited about
May 24, he said, "Very excited. But very happy." He said he and
Kardashian had come to Florence incognito and believed that their daughter,
North, born in June 2013, was conceived "among the Renaissance
masterpieces." "It was our first honeymoon," he said of that
visit. "It's one of the most beautiful cities of the world, for me the
most beautiful in Europe." The couple was featured on the cover of Vogue
magazine's April issue, with Kardashian wearing a wedding-style dress. The
couple had reportedly been planning a wedding ceremony May 24 in France. Di Lupo
said the proceeds from the rental would go to fund restoration of many of
Florence's artistic treasures.

Monday, May 12, 2014

Bali Promotion Center: Wonderful Adventure Indonesia: Asia Pacific Hash 2...

Bali Promotion Center: Wonderful Adventure Indonesia: Asia Pacific Hash 2...: A New Massage World Record! May 9th. 2014 at Sanur Bali the island of love,  Indonesia  On May 9th. 2014 , we broke the record:

 On May 9th. 2014 ,
we broke the record: 2,000 Golden hands of 
Indonesian therapists coming from all over Indonesia provide basic
Balinese massages to the participating ASPAC Hashers 2014  in Bali for
15 minutes on Sanur Beach on
Friday. The event broke the previous world record held by Thailand, with
641 massage therapists for 12 minutes.

1000 Golden spa therapists came from
all over Indonesia to join the record-breaking attempt at Sanur Beach,
Bali  Indonesia 
According to Ms. Herlina Pagarungan , a well noted spa consultant
, the notion  of organizing this colossal event, which had been prepared 3 months in advance , was initially put forward by Ms.
Judit Emma , the Business Development Manager of Taman Sari Royal Heritage Spa within the Mustika Ratu
Group ,  to the Tourism Ministry at the
one of APEC sessions 2013 . Then the event 
,once and for all , could take place on Friday , 9 May  on Sanur Beach Bali, for 15 minutes  thanks to the special committee comprised of
General Chairwoman Ms. Judit Emma 
of  ASPI ,Ms.  Alexandra Sutop of BSWA, 

Mr. Yoyoh Tambera of
INDSPA completely under the auspices of Indonesian Ministry of Tourism and
Creative Economy to beat the previous world record held by masseurs in Bangkok,
Thailand, who carried out 641 simultaneous massages for 12 minutes in July last
year .

The spa therapists  came from Bali, Central Java and East Java to
take part in the record-breaking attempt. The event, which saw therapists
travel from Bali, Central Java and East Java to take part, broke the previous
world record which had been set in July last year in Bangkok, Thailand.
During that world record attempt, 641 masseurs had carried
out continuous treatments for 12 minutes.

Wednesday, April 30, 2014



Translated in Indonesian from 
Divine Mercy Sunday, 27 April 2014

Saint Peter's Square, at 10:00
Holy Mass

Acara Puncak hari
Minggu ini, yang mengakhiri Oktaf Paskah dan yang Yohanes Paulus II ingin dedikasikan  bagi Kerahiman Ilahi, ialah  bilur bilur  Mulia  dari Tuhan Yesus yang telah bangkit.
 Tuhan sudah menunjukkan
bilur bilur tersebut ketika Ia pertama kali menampakkan diri kepada para Rasul
saat  larut malam hari setelah Hari Sabbath
 itu, hari kebangkitan. Namun Thomas
tidak berada di sana malam itu, dan ketika para rasul lain mengatakan kepadanya
bahwa mereka telah melihat Tuhan, ia menjawab bahwa jika ia sendiri tidak melihat
dan menyentuh bilur bilur itu, ia tidak akan percaya. Seminggu kemudian, Tuhan Yesus
menampakkan diri sekali lagi kepada para muridnya yang sedang berkumpul di
Ruangan Atas(Upper Room)  dan Thomas hadir
saat itu ; Tuhan Yesus berpaling kepadanya dan menyuruhnya untuk menyentuh bilur
bilurNya. Kemudian pria itu, yang begitu terus terang (blak-blakandan terbiasa menguji segala sesuatunya secara
pribadi, berlutut di hadapan Tuhan Yesus seraya berkata : "Ya Tuhanku dan
Allahku!" (Yohanes  20:28).

Bilur bilur Tuhan Yesus
merupakan suatu kejutan yang menghebohkan, batu sandungan bagi iman, akan
tetapi mereka juga merupakan ujian bagi iman. Itulah sebabnya  di atas tubuh Kristus yang telah bangkit bilur
bilur tersebut tak pernah hilang : tetap ada, karena bilur bilur tersebut
merupakan tanda kasih Allah yang abadi bagi kita. Bilur bilur tersebut sangatlah
penting untuk percaya pada Allah. Bukan hanya untuk percaya bahwa Allah itu
ada, tetapi agar kita percaya bahwa Allah adalah kasih, kerahiman dan
kesetiaan. Santo Petrus, mengutip Yesaya, saat menulis kepada para umat  Kristiani : "oleh bilur-bilur-Nya kamu telah sembuh" (1 Petrus 2:24, cf  Yes 53:5).

Santo Yohanes XXIII dan Santo Yohanes Paulus II tidak takut memandang bilur bilur TuhanYesus, menyentuh tangan-Nya yang terkoyak maupun lambung-Nya yang tertikam. Mereka tidak malu akan tubuh Kristus, mereka tidak dibuat terkejut  oleh-Nya, oleh salib-Nya; mereka tidak memandang rendah tubuh saudara mereka (bdk. Yes 58:7), karena mereka melihat Tuhan Yesus dalam setiap orang yang mengalami penderitaan dan perjuangan. Mereka inilah dua pria pemberani, yang dipenuhi dengan perkataan berani yang berasal dari Roh Kudus, dan mereka menjadi saksi di hadapan Gereja dan dunia bagi kebaikan dan kerahiman Allah.
Mereka merupakan  para imam,uskup dan Paus abad kedua puluh. Mereka hidup melewati berbagai peristiwa tragis pada abad itu, tetapi mereka tidak terpuruk dengan berbagai peristiwa tersebut. Bagi mereka, Allah lebih kuat; iman lebih kuat - iman kepada Tuhan Yesus Kristus Sang Penebus manusia dan Tuhan sejarah; kerahiman Allah, yang ditunjukkan oleh lima luka itu, lebih kuat; dan lebih kuat juga ialah kedekatan Maria Bunda kita.

Dalam kedua pria ini, yang memandang bilur bilur Kristus dan menjadi saksi kerahiman-Nya, di sana  ada harapan yang hidup dan sukacita yang mulia dan yang tidak terkatakan (1Petrus 1:3,8). Harapan dan sukacita yang dilimpahkan Kristus yang telah bangkit kepada murid-murid-Nya, harapan dan sukacita yang tak ada sesuatu  maupun seorang pun yang bisa mengambilnya dari  mereka. Harapan dan sukacita Paskah, yang ditempa dalam bentuk penyangkalan diri, pengosongan diri, menitahkan pengenalan bersama para orang berdosa, bahkan hingga titik kemuakkan pada kepahitan cawan itu. Demikianlah harapan dan sukacita yang telah diterima Kedua Sri Paus Suci ini sebagai sebuah karunia Tuhan yang telah  bangkit dan yang pada gilirannya mereka curahkan dalam kelimpahan atas Umat Allah, sehingga kita merasa pantas memiliki rasa syukur kita yang abadi
Harapan  dan sukacita ini dapat dirasakan dalam kalangan komunitaspara orang percaya  mula mula , di Yerusalem, seperti yang kita baca dalam Kisah Para Rasul (bdk. 2:42-47). Ini merupakan suatu komunitas yang menghayati ajaran inti Injil, kasih dan kerahiman, dalam kesederhanaan serta  persaudaraan.
Hal ini juga merupakan gambaran Gereja yang ditetapkan Konsili Vatikan II sebelum kita. Santo Yohanes XXIII dan Santo Yohanes Paulus II telah bekerja sama dengan Roh Kudus dalam memperbaharui  dan menyesuaikan  Gereja sesuai karateristik  aslinya, Karateristik itu yang telah diberikan para orang kudus kepada Gereja selama berabad-abad. Janganlah kita lupa bahwa para orang kudus tersebut yang memberikan arah dan pertumbuhan bagi Gereja. Dengan mengadakan  Konsili, Santo Yohanes XXIII menunjukkan sebuah keterbukaan yang sangat indah terhadap Roh Kudus. Beliau membiarkan dirinya dipimpin dan beliau bagi Gereja merupakan seorang gembala, seorang pemimpin-pelayan. Hal Ini merupakan pelayanannya yang agung bagi Gereja; beliau ialah Paus  yang terbuka dengan Roh Kudus.
Dalam pelayanan dirinya bagi Umat Allah, Santo Yohanes Paulus II merupakan  Paus keluarga. Beliau sendiri pernah mengatakan bahwa ia ingin dikenang sebagai Paus keluarga. Saya sangat senang menunjukkan hal ini ketika kita berada dalam proses perjalanan bersama keluarga-keluarga menuju Sinode tentang keluarga. Hal ini tentu sebuah perjalanan yang, dari tempatnya di surga, beliau membimbing dan menopang.
Semoga kedua Santo baru dan para gembala umat Allah ini bersyafaat bagi Gereja, sehingga selama dua tahun perjalanan menuju Sinode ini Gereja boleh terbuka terhadap Roh Kudus dalam pelayanan pastoral kepada keluarga. Semoga kiranya keduanya mengajarkan kita agar tidak terkejut dengan bilur bilur Kristus dan malah membuat kita masuk semakin dalam pada misteri kerahiman ilahi, yang senantiasa  berharap, dan  senantiasa mengampuni, karena hal tersebut selalu mengasihi

Divine Mercy Sunday, 27 April 2014

Saint Peter's Square, at 10:00
Holy Mass

2. Sonntag in der Osterzeit (oder Sonntag der göttlichen Barmherzigkeit),
27. April 2014
Im Mittelpunkt dieses Sonntags, der die Osteroktav beschließt und den der heilige Johannes Paul II. der Göttlichen Barmherzigkeit geweiht hat, stehendie glorreichen Wunden des auferstandenen Jesus.
Schon beim ersten Mal, als Jesus am Abend des Tages nach dem Sabbat, am Tag der Auferstehung, den Aposteln erschien, zeigte er ihnen seine Wunden. An jenem Abend war aber Thomas, wie wir gehört haben, nicht dabei. Und als die anderen ihm sagten, dass sie den Herrn gesehen hatten, antwortete er, er werde nicht glauben, bevor er jene Wunden nicht gesehen und berührt habe. Acht Tage darauf erschien Jesus erneut im Abendmahlssaal inmitten der Jünger, und auch Thomas war da. Jesus wandte sich an ihn und forderte ihn auf, seine Wunden zu berühren. Und da kniete dieser ehrliche Mann, der daran gewöhnt war, alles selbst zu überprüfen, vor Jesus nieder und sagte: »Mein Herr und mein Gott!« (Joh 20,28).
Die Wunden Jesu sind ein Ärgernis für den Glauben, aber sie sind auch einNachweis für den Glauben. Darum verschwinden die Wunden am Leib des auferstandenen Christus nicht; sie bleiben, denn diese Wunden sind das ständige Zeichen der Liebe Gottes zu uns, und sie sind unerlässlich für den Glauben an Gott. Nicht um zu glauben, dass Gott existiert, sondern um zu glauben, dass Gott Liebe, Barmherzigkeit und Treue ist. Der heilige Petrus nimmt die Worte des Propheten Jesaja auf und schreibt an die Christen: »Durch seine Wunden seid ihr geheilt« (1 Petr 2,24; vgl. Jes 53,5).
Der heiligeJohannes XXIII. und der heilige Johannes Paul II. hatten den Mut, die Wundmale Jesu anzuschauen, seine verwundeten Hände und seine durchbohrte Seite zu berühren. Sie haben sich der Leiblichkeit Christi nicht geschämt, haben an ihm, an seinem Kreuz keinen Anstoß genommen; sie haben die Leiblichkeit des Mitmenschen nicht gescheut (vgl. Jes 58,7), denn in jedem leidenden Menschen sahen sie Jesus. Sie waren zwei mutige Männer, erfüllt vom Freimut des Heiligen Geistes, und haben der Kirche und der Welt Zeugnis gegeben von der Güte Gottes und von seiner Barmherzigkeit.
Sie waren Priester und Bischöfe und Päpste des 20. Jahrhunderts. Dessen Tragödien haben sie erfahren, sind davon aber nicht überwältigt worden. Stärker war in ihnen Gott; stärker war der Glaube an Jesus Christus, den Erlöser des Menschen und Herrn der Geschichte; stärker war in ihnen die Barmherzigkeit Gottes, die sich in diesen fünf Wunden offenbart; stärker war die mütterliche Liebe Marias.
In diesen beiden Männern, die in der Betrachtung der Wunden Christi lebten und Zeugen seiner Barmherzigkeit waren, wohnte »eine lebendige Hoffnung« vereint mit »unsagbarer, von himmlischer Herrlichkeit verklärter Freude« (1 Petr 1,3.8) – die Hoffnung und die Freude, die der auferstandene Christus seinen Jüngern schenkt und die nichts und niemand ihnen nehmen kann. Die österliche Hoffnung und die österliche Freude, die den Schmelztiegel der Entäußerung und der inneren Leere, der Nähe zu den Sündern bis zum Letzten, bis zum Überdruss angesichts der Bitterkeit dieses Kelches durchschritten haben: Das sind die Hoffnung und die Freude, mit denen die beiden heiligen Päpste vom auferstandenen Herrn beschenkt wurden und die sie ihrerseits in Fülle an das Volk Gottes verschenkt haben, wofür sie ewigen Dank empfangen.
Diese Hoffnung und diese Freude bildeten das Klima, in dem die Urgemeinde der Gläubigen in Jerusalem lebte, von der uns die Apostelgeschichte berichtet, die wir in der zweiten Lesung gehört haben (vgl. 2,42-47). Es ist eine Gemeinde, in der das Wesentliche des Evangeliums gelebt wird, nämlich die Liebe und die Barmherzigkeit in Einfachheit und Brüderlichkeit.
Und das ist das Bild der Kirche, das dem Zweiten Vatikanischen Konzil vorschwebte. Johannes XXIII. und Johannes Paul II. haben mit dem Heiligen Geist zusammengearbeitet, um die Kirche entsprechend ihrer ursprünglichen Gestalt wiederherzustellen und zu aktualisieren, entsprechend der Gestalt, die ihr im Laufe der Jahrhunderte die Heiligen verliehen haben. Vergessen wir nicht, dass es gerade die Heiligen sind, die die Kirche voranbringen und wachsen lassen. In der Einberufung des Konzils hat der heilige Johannes XXIII. eine feinfühlige Folgsamkeit gegenüber dem Heiligen Geist bewiesen, hat sich führen lassen und war für die Kirche ein Hirte, ein geführter Führer, geführt vom Heiligen Geist. Das war sein großer Dienst an der Kirche; darum denke ich gerne an ihn als den Papst der Folgsamkeit gegenüber dem Heiligen Geist.
In diesem Dienst am Volk Gottes ist der heilige Johannes Paul II. der Papst der Familie gewesen. So wollte er, wie er einmal sagte, in die Erinnerung eingehen: als Papst der Familie. Ich hebe das gerne hervor, da wir gerade einen Weg zur Synode über die Familie und mit den Familien beschreiten, den er vom Himmel her sicher begleitet und unterstützt.
Mögen diese beiden neuen heiligen Hirten des Gottesvolkes mit ihrer Fürsprache für die Kirche eintreten, damit sie in diesen zwei Jahren des Synodenweges fügsam sei gegenüber dem Heiligen Geist in ihrem pastoralen Dienst an der Familie. Mögen beide uns lehren, keinen Anstoß zu nehmen an den Wunden Christi und in das Geheimnis der göttlichen Barmherzigkeit einzudringen, die immer hofft und immer verzeiht, weil sie immer liebt.

S. Ioannes Paulus PP. II
Karol Wojtyla
16.X.1978 - 2.IV.2005


"Eternal Father, I
offer to you the Body and Blood, Soul and Divinity of your beloved Son, our
Lord Jesus Christ, for our sins and those of the whole world; by the sufferings
of his Passion, have mercy upon us and upon the whole world" (Diary, 476).
Upon us and upon the whole world ... How greatly today’s world needs God’s
mercy! In every continent, from the depth of human suffering, a cry for mercy
seems to rise up. Where hatred and the thirst for revenge dominate, where war
brings suffering and death to the innocent, there the grace of mercy is needed
in order to settle human minds and hearts and to bring about peace. Wherever
respect for life and human dignity are lacking, there is need of God’s merciful
love, in whose light we see the inexpressible value of every human being. Mercy
is needed in order to ensure that every injustice in the world will come to an
end in the splendor of truth.

“`Bapa yang kekal, kupersembahkan kepada-Mu Tubuh dan Darah, Jiwa dan Ke-Allah-an PutraMu yang terkasih, Tuhan kami Yesus Kristus, sebagai pemulihan dosa-dosa kami dan dosa seluruh dunia; demi sengsara Yesus yang pedih, tunjukkanlah belas kasih-Mu kepada kami dan seluruh dunia' (Buku Catatan Harian, 476). Kepada kami dan seluruh dunia…. Betapa dunia sekarang ini membutuhkan Kerahiman Ilahi! Di setiap benua, dari penderitaan manusia yang terdalam, terdengar seruan mohon belas kasih Allah. Di mana kebencian dan hasrat dendam berkuasa, di mana perang mengakibatkan sengsara dan kematian orang-orang tak berdosa, di sana rahmat belas kasih dibutuhkan demi menenangkan hati dan pikiran manusia serta mendatangkan damai. Di mana tidak ada lagi rasa hormat terhadap harkat dan martabat manusia, di sana cinta Allah yang berbelas kasih dibutuhkan; dalam terang-Nya kita melihat nilai setiap pribadi manusia yang mudah terpengaruh. Belas kasih dibutuhkan guna menjamin bahwa setiap ketidakadilan di dunia akan berakhir dalam terang kebenaran.

Wednesday, February 26, 2014

looking for a male soulmate in Bali ?

hello respectable ladies, thanks for visiting our blog ,  

If you consider looking for a male soul mate in Bali and wish to establish a long term commitment for marriage

Here I am, being single again , dear professional and business lady entrepreneurs who are seeking life partners, i am a man with albinism, a professional translator and mobile English and Indonesian tutor. For those life partner seeking women aged ranging from 30 - 40 years of age either single or widow, who wish to get to know me, may contact me on 081999937656 @translatorbali preferably in Bali . Thanks and God bless you.

Salam kenal kepada para wanita profesional dan wiraswatawati yang sedang mencari PH, sy pria berdomisili di denpasar, seorang pria 45 thn profesional translator dan mobile English and Indonesian tutor . Bagi wanita berumur 30 - 40 thn jomblo single atau janda yang serius ingin kenal bisa menghubungi saya di 081999937656 @translatorbali  .PS diutamakan di wilayah Bali  terima kasih . God bless you 

 Lust versus Love

Lust is about satisfaction. Love is about sacrificing, serving,
surrendering, sharing, supporting, and even suffering for others.

Love is an emotion of a strong affection and personal attachment. Love
is also a virtue representing all of human kindness, compassion, and
affection --"the unselfish loyal and benevolent concern for the good of
another". Love may also be described as actions towards others or
oneself based on compassion, or as actions towards others based on
Lust is an emotion or feeling of intense desire in the body. The lust
can take any form such as the lust for knowledge, the lust for sex or
the lust for power. It can take such mundane forms as the lust for
food as distinct from the need for food. Lust is a powerful psychic
force producing intense wanting for an object, or circumstance
fulfilling the emotion.


    You want to spend quality time together other than sex.
    You get lost in conversations and forget about the hours passing.
    You want to honestly listen to each other's feelings, make each other happy.
    He or she motivates you to be a better person.
    You want to get to meet his or her family and friends.


    You're totally focused on a person's looks and body.
    You're interested in having sex, but not in having conversations.
    You'd rather keep the relationship on a fantasy level, not discuss
real feelings.
    You want to leave soon after sex rather than cuddling or breakfast
the next morning.
    You are lovers, but not friends.

"To experience the pure essence of unconditional love is our basic
purpose for coming to earth," writes Marianne Williamson in A Return
to Love. "We experience it as kindness, giving, compassion, peace,
joy, acceptance, non-judgment, joining, intimacy." Love is not
neediness. "I love you because I need you!" -- WRONG! "I need you
because I love you!" -- RIGHT!

Why is love so hard to find? It's simply because :
1) we do not love ourselves 

2) we have not healed the wounds of past love relationships, especially the persons we get involved with in the romance have unfinished business with their fathers ,or simply put, detest their fathers , thus they may tend to have us objectified to vent out their revenge for their hatred towards their biological fathers upon us and this kind of persons most likely incline to be bipolar, legalistic,unforgiving, insensitive towards the feelings of their  boyfriends or girlfriends

3 )misogynic men towards women 
4) misandric women  towards men

I do agree on one of the tweets posted by Ms Marianne Williamson which reads
 Let's not judge such kind of person nor hate her or him. Who are we anyway to judge our fellow humans beings ? we are also human beings with flaws and imperfections. 

Let's put on mercy and love 

Moral wisdom : Being a good and loving father plays an important role in forming his children's psychological development of temperaments, which later become their characters. In fact a father presumably loves his children, they, however, can not understand their father's language of love well, therefore the children tend to hate their own father. This father's language of love expressed towards his children that  may have  been misperceived by his daughters or sons may render his children loveless, insensitive towards others. As they are growing up, in most cases they won't truly believe in love.

Fathers are very important to their daughter's feminine development. Biller's research review (1971) supports that girls who had positive relationships with their fathers were more likely to have satisfying intimacies. When a mother poisons her daughter's love of her father, she is also damaging her daughter's ability to maturely love any man. The mother is programming her daughter to be her ego extension without a will of her own, and to be with her and no one else, narcisstically bound.
Although both boys and girls are greatly harmed when they are turned against a parent, the harm is often different. Studies indicate that boys suffer the most harm when the boys are stuck with mothers who express hostility towards their fathers- the source of their male identity (Kelly,1993). 

When the mother encourages her daughter to see her father as bad, this can cause an Oedipal fixation in that the daughter may be attracted to men who will mistreat her, or she may mistreat them. The daughter will also have problems with separation from the mother and have problems with attachment and abandonment with subsequent love objects.

Parental Alienation Syndrome Research

 Psychologically speaking , when a daughter hates her Father it creates a void in her that festers and breeds pain and sorrow.  Sometimes, it is years before she realizes what is actually happening to her, if it is recognized at all.  Hating a father sets up an undeclared and clandestine expedition to secure someone who, or something that, will fill the void.

When a daughter hates her Father it creates a void in her that festers and breeds pain and sorrow.  Sometimes, it is years before she realizes what is actually happening to her, if it is recognized at all.  Hating a father sets up an undeclared and clandestine expedition to secure someone who, or something that, will fill the void.  - See more at:
Lust is chemistry. It is felt almost immediately when two people meet.
It usually involves flirting, touching. Something inside you goes,
"lusty" Lust involves the body. A real deterrent to pure love is
seeing ourselves only as bodies; when in reality, we are not our
bodies...we are a spiritual soul inside a physical body.
Good love will involve good sex. Good sex alone rarely involves real
pure love. The danger with lust is that men and women react to it
differently. Women "fall in love" with a good lustful encounter, men
do not. Men "fall in love" by doing for their woman.

Some valuable tips to move on 

We’ve all been hurt by another person at some time or another — we were treated badly, trust was broken, hearts were hurt.
And while this pain is normal, sometimes that pain lingers for too long. We relive the pain over and over, and have a hard time letting go.
This causes problems. It not only causes us to be unhappy, but can strain or ruin relationships, distract us from work and family and other important things, make us reluctant to open up to new things and people. We get trapped in a cycle of anger and hurt, and miss out on the beauty of life as it happens.
We need to learn to let go. We need to be able to forgive, so we can move on and be happy.

Joyce Meyer Anak Teraniaya Menjadi Hamba Tuhan

Joyce Meyer Abuse and the Miracle of Recovery

Are you ready to move on ?
Quiz on Love, Lust, or Infatuation

7 Golden Rules Of Life !!!

Don't let someone become a priority in your life, when you are just an option in their life.
Relationships work best when they are balanced. There's only one, He is GOD. If you let someone become a priority in your life, you will ruin you own life, because all of your focus is just for the people who you priority, we must keep balance so our life can go on smoothly :)

Never explain yourself to anyone.
Because the person who likes you doesn't need it, and the person who doesn't like you won't believe it. In the other words,other peoples don't like to hear about you but peoples like to talk about themselves.

When you keep saying you are busy, then you are never free.
When you keep saying you have no time, then you will never have time.
When you keep saying that you will do it tomorrow, then your tomorrow will never come.
the other word is ,"Don't make Excuse"

When we wake up in the morning, we have two simple choices.
Go back to sleep and dream, or wake up and chase those dreams.
Choice is yours. The other word is,"Chase your dream in your sleep or chase your dream in your life"

We make them cry who care for us.
We cry for those who never care for us.
And we care for those who will never cry for us.
This is the truth of life, it's strange but true. Once you realize this, it's never too late to change. This is because people are too selfish to their own desire.

Don't make promise when you are in joy.
Don't reply when you are sad.
Don't take decision when you are angry.
Think twice, act twice. The other word is "Think before you act, but don't think too much"

Time is like river. You can't touch the same water twice, because the flow that has passed will never pass again. It is your decision to waste your time or not :)

Hope that this post can bless you all, have a nice day and God bless you

 T Golden rules of life