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Thursday, October 17, 2013

Kisah cinta yang agung Puteri Herlina, Bidadari tanpa sayap

Touching True Love Story of Puteri Herlina, an angel without wings, and a prince of love Reza Hilyard 

"Beauty is not in the face, it is a light in the heart" Khalil Gibran  
Kisah cinta yang agung Puteri Herlina, Bidadari tanpa sayap dengan seorang pangeran cinta, Reza Hilyard

Kisah cinta mengharukan Putri Herlina,bidadari tanpa sayap, , sempat  membuat ribuan netizen Indonesia meneteskan airmata bahagia sekaligus  haru. Gadis yang menghabiskan masa kecil hingga dewasanya di panti asuhan dengan kondisi tubuh kurang sempurna -  tanpa kedua lengan itu, kini  telah menemukan seorang pendamping hidup.

Putri Herlina lahir dengan kondisi tak sempurna, yaitu tanpa kedua lengannya. Entah karena apa, kedua orang tua Putri lantas meninggalkan  bayi tak berdosa itu di rumah sakit.

Putri lantas diadopsi oleh seseorang, yang ternyata tak mengubah  nasibnya menjadi lebih baik. Putri yang masih bayi malah dijadikan  alat untuk mengemis. Diletakkan dalam kardus, guna  memancing uang belas kasihan. Digeletakkan di pinggir jalan dalam panas dan debu.

Seorang Blogger berhati emas yang bernama Saptuari mengisahkan, bahwa untungnya Putri  Herlina diselamatkan oleh pengurus panti asuhan yang bernama
Susiani Sunaryo d Yayasan Sayap Ibu.(Kini Susiani menjadi ibu panti d Kadirojo,Kalasan,Sleman). Dalam asuhan Ibu Naryo dan pengurus panti lainnya, Putri akhirnya  dibesarkan dan menjalani kehidupannya hingga dewasa.
Yayasan Sayap Ibu didirikan oleh Soelastri, istri Bung Tomo,pahlawan perang Surabaya 10 November,pd 1955. Yayasan ini memang menampung anak2 yg "tak dikehendaki" ayah-ibunya. 

Walau tanpa tangan, Putri dapat melakukan hampir semua hal yang bisa  dilakukan oleh orang normal. Ia bisa mengetik dengan laptopnya, bisa  menyisir rambut, memakai pakaian, bahkan membantu mengurus adik-adik pantinya yang lain.
Puteri Herlina ,yg biasa di sapa Lina
Tuhan Maha Besar. Seperti hendak menghapus kepedihan hidup yang pernah  dialami oleh Putri Herlina, Dia memberikan untuk Putri seorang suami  yang luar biasa. Lelaki itu kini menjadi bagian hidup gadis manis yang tabah itu.

Mereka berdua bukanlah artis yang wajahnya sering keluar masuk acara  infotainment, tetapi kehebatan mereka tidaklah kalah oleh artis-artis  tersebut. Seandainya saja ada penobatan pasangan paling hebat tahun ini, mereka berdualah menurut versiku  yang paling pantas menjadi champion .

Gadis manis kelahiran 25 tahun lalu adalah seorang gadis yang  mempunyai kekurangan dengan tidak memiliki tangan semenjak lahir. Tetapi dengan kekurangannya itu bukanlah sebagai penghalang untuk menjadikannya seorang wanita yang hebat. Dengan keterbatasan yang  dimilikinya, Lina begitu biasa dia disapa tumbuh menjadi seorang gadis yang cerdas, mandiri dan berprestasi. Bahkan kadang kemandirian dan kecerdasannya jauh lebih menonjol dibandingkan wanita lainnya yang  terlahir normal. Sudah banyak prestasi yang ditorehkan oleh Putri  Herlina ini dan yang terakhir  Lina tercatat menjadi 10 pahlawan untuk Indonesia versi MNC.

Sementara itu tidak kalah hebatnya adalah Reza Hilyard. Bila menyebut  nama Reza Hilyard sebagai musisi, masih banyak orang yang  bertanya-tanya siapa dia sebenarnya. Tapi, bila nama Soemantri disematkan di belakang kedua namanya, mungkin sebagian orang bisa enebak kalau ia merupakan putra dari mantan Deputi Gubernur Bank  Indonesia (BI), Maman Husein Soemantri

Sebagai seorang anak mantan pejabat tinggi negara dan sebagai seorang musisi berbakat,  bukanlah hal yang sulit bagi seorang Reza untuk mencari wanita yang  terlahir sempurna untuk dijadikan sebagai pasangannya. Akan tetapi tidak bagi Reza,  kecantikan lahiriah bukanlah satu-satunya pilihannya untuk memilih  seorang wanita sebagai pasangannya sehidup-semati. Oleh karena itu dengan mantap Reza memilih Lina untuk menemani satu sama lain dalam menjalani sisa hidup ini  sebagai  pasangan sehidup semati .

Bukanlah perkara mudah bagi Reza, yang sebagai anak pejabat itu untuk meyakinkan keluarga besarnya terutama kepada orang tuanya mengenai  pilihan hatinya ini. Tetapi dengan kekuatan doa dan besarnya cinta kasih mereka berdua, semua penghalang bisa disingkirkan yang akhirnya  kekuatan cinta itu menyatukan mereka berdua.

Bagi Allah, sangat mudah membolak-balikan hati seseorang, melunakkan hati sekeras apapun, jika Allah sudah berkehendak.. Kun Fa Yakun begitu mudahnya skenario cantik dan indah terjadi di depan mata.  Apapun kondisinya…

Apapun halangannya…Akan sangat mudah bagiNya.titik!

Jogjakarta, 13 Oktober 2013
Aku tercenung di depan pintu masuk gedung, sebuah foto Prewedding itu bercerita penuh makna, kisah panjang anak-anak manusia yang hidup dengan perjuangannya. Pengantin lelaki tegap disamping, memegang “tangan” pengantin wanita yang hanya tampak dalam pandangan mata hatinya.

Ruangan di Balai Sinta itu penuh haru, ketika Reza Somantri dengan tegas mengucapkan ikrarnya, menerima Putri Herlina secara sah menjadi istrinya.
Banjir airmata dari para tamu yang hadir, ibunda Reza tak henti-henti mengusap matanya, tamu yang hadir, seorang bapak di sudut dengan sapu tangan di wajahnya. Tak terkecuali kameramen dan fotografer dengan mata berkaca-kaca yang mengabadikan moment itu dengan penuh takjub tak berkesudahan.

Hari ini Allah membuktikan janjinya, derajat seseorang yang lahir di dunia dengan segala keterbatasan dan kekurangan diangkat tinggi di depan manusia lainnya. Kisahnya menginspirasi banyak orang yang lahir dengan sempurna, dengan limpahan harta dan kasih sayang orang tuanya.

Ketika prosesi sungkeman, ibunda Reza memeluk anaknya begitu lama, dengan terbata-bata seperti tak berkesudahan, menjadi pemandangan yang sangat mengharukan, seperti berkata:
“wahai anakku, engkaulah lelaki itu.. engkaulah yang dipilih Allah untuk menemani wanita luar biasa ini. Engkaulah yang Allah percaya duduk, berdiri, berjalan disampingnya selamanya. Jadikan ini sebagai ibadahmu, pahala tak berkesudahan hingga akhir hayatmu..” ketika penulis  memotret ini, suara isak tangis ibu-ibu disamping kanan kiriku tak terhenti.

Saat penulis, Saptuari Sigiharto, memberikan ucapan selamat, Saptuari Sigiharto berbisik di telinga bu Naryo yang ada di samping kiri pelaminan,

“Surga kagem panjenengan bu, tugas ibu merawatnya sejak kecil hingga menikahkannya usai sudah.. pahala luar biasa untuk ibu”

Tangan penulis, Saptuari Sigiharto, digenggam erat bu Naryo, matanya berkaca-kaca.. sungguh keikhlasan seorang wanita yang mendedikasikan hidupnya untuk anak-anak titipan Allah yang terbuang dan terlupakan.

Malam ini berakhir cemerlang, bintang-bintang di langit Jogja bertebaran. Para tamu pulang dengan ribuan kesan di hatinya. Mereka tidak bisa menyalami mempelai wanita, tapi Putri Herlina menyentuh lembut hati mereka semua.

Kini, Reza telah menikah dgn gadis ayu, manis, berbudi luhur , tegar,  serta mandiri, kelahiran 3 Oktober 1988. Semoga, pernikahan yang dilandaskan karena cinta dan kepatuhan terhadap perintah-Nya senantiasa dilindungi oleh-Nya, dan semua yang dilakukan secara bersama-sama selalu dipermudah juga oleh-Nya. amen
Source : 
 Pesan Penulis , blogger Saptuari Sigiharto

Allah yang Maha Penyayang seperti mengirim sebuah pesan lewat kisah ini, jangan pernah berputus asa pada rahmat-Nya. Dialah yang berkuasa atas segalanya, Dialah sang Maha Pengatur hidup seluruh umatnya.. Dia sang Maha Sutradara..

Bagi yang nyaris putus asa, disakiti orang yang dicintai, itulah bukti rahmat Allah padamu, Dia mengirim pesan bawah orang itu bukan yang terbaik untukmu. Allah yang akan mengirimkan penggantinya.. seseorang yang jauh lebih baik untukmu. Jemputlah dan dekatkan dengan doa yang tak pernah putus, ibadah yang tak pernah lalai.. dekati terus Allah yang Maha Mengatur..

Bagi yang sudah menikah belum dikaruniai anak, teruslah berdoa tiada putus. Dialah sang pemilik pabrik anak keturunan, bukan dokter kandungan. Allah lah yang mengatur kehadiran anak-anak manusia lewat waktu terbaik yang ditentukannya. Tiap keluarga punya takdir sendiri, waktu terbaik Allah yang tahu dan memiliki..

Bagi yang punya masalah tak berkesudahan, coba interopeksi.. jangan-jangan engkau punya masalah dengan Dia Pemilik Kemudahan. Tetap tejun berdoa  dan Sholat , jgn durhaka pada orang tua, bersedekahlah. Berubahlah, agar Allah yang akan datang membereskan masalahmu dari jalan yang tidak disangka-sangka. Ketika engkau punya masalah, selama yang kau cari solusi maka akan capek sendiri. Carilah Allah yang Maha Pemilik Solusi, dekati dia, maka dia akan hadirkan solusi-solusi dari masalahmu..

Tuesday, September 24, 2013

Bali Promotion Center: Vania Larissa of Indonesia takes the lead in the b...

Bali Promotion Center: Vania Larissa of Indonesia takes the lead in the b...: Miss World 2013 Indonesia Vania Larissa takes the lead in the beauty pageant Miss Indonesia, Vania Larissa for Miss World 2013 - 
"I hope so, because I'm working so hard on it,Larissa, who has chosen education for blind children as her cause for Beauty with a Purpose award, said on hearing about the predictions, according to the official website of Miss World Indonesia 2013.
"I put my heart and effort into it, so it will be great if I get in the top 15," she added.
Miss Indonesia, Vania Larissa for Miss World 2013 - Because You're Beautiful by Terry Palmer.

Tuesday, August 20, 2013

Translating service in Bali, English Indonesian vice versa

Bali Paradise Enterprises
Translation and subtitling from Indonesian to English vice versa
Online English and Indonesian Course
Phone : 0361-82415199 Mobile +6285737137351

Thank you for visiting our blog 

Did you know that research suggests students who learn online not only learn more efficiently, but also retain what they've learned better?
Studies show:

Online learning can increase knowledge retention by up to 60%

Online courses are generally shorter than classroom training on the same subject by up to 60%

Today, over 4.6 million students are studying at least one of their courses online

We provide a 12/7 online English and Indonesian course so that students can choose their own schedule at their convenience and develop real and lasting conversational skills much faster than expected. Many people have exceptionally important reasons to learn Indonesian and English . To serve this purpose, students can learn from us everyday and we will delightedly take you from zero experience through conversational fluency.  Additionally students may have a free translation service for a certain number of pages from Indonesian to English vice versa within a month
Online English & Indonesian Course
                                Translator in Bali, Indonesia. 
Thanks for visiting our website and we look forward to serving you. As a token of appreciation , we present before you an epic fashion show . happy watching ! 

Online Indonesian course, online English course , mobile English learning, mobile Indonesian learning, translator for business in Indonesia, learning Indonesian via blackberry, Learning English via skype and blackberry,  Interpreter for business in Indonesia. , Indonesian online, English Online, Online English lesson, online Indonesian lesson.

 Bali Hotels Association Chooses Mobile-Learning Technology Company  Qooco To Introduce Its First-Ever Online Language Learning Program  Customized program caters to changing language requirements for  hospitality and service staff in Bali

03 May, 2013 – As part of its dedication to upholding quality service,  the Bali Hotels Association (BHA) has partnered with mobile learning  technology company Qooco to implement its first-ever staff language
training program. The leading hotel group, whose members include  General Managers from more than 100 hotels and resorts in Bali  representing almost 30,000 employees, will use Qooco’s online language
learning programs to improve their spoken Mandarin and English  language abilities.

In the past two years, Bali has experienced a phenomenal increase in  the number of Chinese tourists. In 2010, Bali had a 175.25 percent  growth in Chinese tourists compared to the previous year. Last year in
2012, Chinese visitors were the second largest foreign arrivals to  visit Bali. Australians, who generally speak English, were ranked at  number one.

For more news

Should you have more that we can be of service, please kindly free to
contact us and we would be delighted to assist you

All the best and success,

Our profile on facebook is

We would be delighted to assist you
Om shanti shanti shanti om
Cordially yours,
Bali Paradise Enterprises
Translator  and Interpreter for business , transcribing , subtitling
services and online English & Indonesian Course for one on one and
corporate (Corporate  In House training)  .
Ph +623618241599 or mobile : 085737137351 PIN BB 321268C6

Sunday, July 28, 2013

Happy Decennial Anniversary to Ubud Writers & Readers Festival

Bali Promotion Center: The Ubud Writers Readers Festival : Asia-Europe Sh...: The decennial anniversary of Ubud writers and readers festival proudly presents  Long Way Home ― Asia-Europe Short Story Contest launched.
 The Ubud Writers & Readers Festival and the Asia-Europe Foundation (ASEF) are pleased to announce their first partnership ― a short story contest titled Long Way Home, to be hosted via the platform.

Happy Decennial Anniversary to Ubud Writers & Readers Festival  

October 11 - 15 , 2013

Saturday, July 13, 2013

Bali Promotion Center: APEC CEO Summit 2013 Bali October 5 - 7, 2013

Bali Promotion Center: APEC CEO Summit 2013 Bali October 5 - 7, 2013: About APEC Indonesia 2013 in Bali APEC 2013 Leaders Week Schedule :
Pre-CEO Summit Conference: Invest Indonesia, Bali - 5 October 2013

The “Pre-CEO Summit Conference: Invest Indonesia” is a high-level business conference organised by Indonesia Investment Coordinating Board, which mainly aims to promote Indonesia as a favourable investment destination. The conference will be held back-to-back with the APEC CEO Summit 2013 in Bali.
The “Pre-CEO Summit Conference: Invest Indonesia” is proud to have Prof. Dr. Nouriel Roubini, a prominent world economist, as our main speaker to present his views on the current economic condition and future economic performances of Indonesia, India and China, as well as their roles to the global economy. Prof Roubini’s session will be followed by a Plenary Session themed “Experiencing Indonesia” which will focus on Indonesia’s economic performances, primarily touch upon the progress made by Indonesia in policy-making, including presenting the views from business executives, and to attract investment. The forum will also have a session of Market Sounding of Infrastructure Project which presents ready-to-offer projects that are open for investors, followed by Project Consultation on Infrastructure. During the conference, Exhibition of investment potentials and a Consultation Desk will be available.
We cordially invite business leaders, business associations, large companies, as well as existing and potential investors in infrastructure projects to participate. We also invite the heads of regional investment agencies across the country to facilitate any enquiries or consultation on investment in Indonesia.

Friday, July 5, 2013

Bali Promotion Center: Charity event with Sean Indonesian Idol at the We...

Bali Promotion Center: Charity event with Sean Indonesian Idol at the We...: UNICEF Charity Event with Sean, Indonesian Idol 2013  Do not miss out on An Inspiring Evening with Kamasean Matthews Friday, 12 July...2013

5.30 pm - 6.30 pm
Let's spend some time with Kamasean Matthews as she shares details about her amazing journey and rise to her fame.
IDR 150,000 per person inclusive of photo opportunity, certificate and access to Gala Show

7 pm onwards
This special charity event will fill your heart with music and take community spirit to new heights. Kamasean Matthews, gifted singer and Indonesian Idol finalist, will be performing live for one evening only.
IDR 75,000 per person
IDR 50,000 for child below 12 years

 Check Out for Children™
Check Out for Children is an alliance between UNICEF and Starwood Hotels & Resorts in Europe, Africa, the Middle East and Asia–Pacific.
It's one of our longest standing and most successful partnerships. Check Out for Children is simple and effective. Guests at Starwood Hotels are invited to add US$1 (or the equivalent in local currency) to their bill upon check out, as a donation to UNICEF.

All proceeds will be donated directly to our UNICEF Check Out For Children program.

Bali Promotion Center: Charity event with Sean Indonesian Idol at the We...

Bali Promotion Center: Charity event with Sean Indonesian Idol at the We...: UNICEF Charity Event with Sean, Indonesian Idol 2013  Do not miss out on An Inspiring Evening with Kamasean Matthews Friday, 12 July...2013

5.30 pm - 6.30 pm
Let's spend some time with Kamasean Matthews as she shares details about her amazing journey and rise to her fame.
IDR 150,000 per person inclusive of photo opportunity, certificate and access to Gala Show

7 pm onwards
This special charity event will fill your heart with music and take community spirit to new heights. Kamasean Matthews, gifted singer and Indonesian Idol finalist, will be performing live for one evening only.
IDR 75,000 per person
IDR 50,000 for child below 12 years

 Check Out for Children™
Check Out for Children is an alliance between UNICEF and Starwood Hotels & Resorts in Europe, Africa, the Middle East and Asia–Pacific.
It's one of our longest standing and most successful partnerships. Check Out for Children is simple and effective. Guests at Starwood Hotels are invited to add US$1 (or the equivalent in local currency) to their bill upon check out, as a donation to UNICEF.

All proceeds will be donated directly to our UNICEF Check Out For Children program.

Saturday, June 22, 2013

Bali Promotion Center: Create your Future Unlimited with your Study in A...

Bali Promotion Center: Create your Future Unlimited with your Study in A...: 
Let's study in Australia  Create our own future unlimited with our study in Australia   Australian education goes mobile with its new official website .

.It also includes detailed information about Australia’s states and territories and updated content including news and event feeds, all in a selection of languages.

Australia’s Ambassador to Indonesia Greg Moriarty said the Study in Australia site was a reliable, comprehensive source of up-to-date information, with links to other education providers as well as details about living in Australia.

“An Australian education opens huge opportunities for graduates, enriching their personal and professional lives,” Mr Moriarty said.

“Australia has a fantastic range of internationally recognized institutions offering high quality courses across the education spectrum.

“Now Indonesian students can learn about them quickly and easily in a format that suits their lifestyle,” he said

The new site, produced and maintained by Austrade, the Australian Government’s trade, investment and education promotion agency, goes live this month.

In the coming months, additional functions will be added, including a personalized study guide.

The site is a practical, friendly and engaging resource for existing and prospective students, based on testing and research.

It is also designed to more effectively refer students to the websites of relevant institutions.

The Ambassador said Australia has had a long history of welcoming international students from all parts of the world.

“Indonesian students have plenty of choices: they can study at university, learn English, attend a Vocational Education and Training (VET) college or go to school,“ Mr Moriarty said.

“All the information you need to begin creating your own Future Unlimited is available on,” he said.

In December 2012 there were 17,514 Indonesian students enrolled in Australian educational institutions, according to the Australian Department of Foreign Affairs and trade.
This press release is complimentarily posted by Bali Paradise Enterprises.
Our profile at a glance   

Did you know that research suggests students who learn online not only learn more efficiently, but also retain what they've learned better?
Studies show:
Online learning can increase knowledge retention by up to 60%
Online courses are generally shorter than classroom training on the same subject by up to 60%
Today, over 4.6 million students are studying at least one of their courses online
We generally provide our client  a free of charge feature in our blogs and social network .
Terms and Conditions apply
Our client is entitled to have a 2 month FOC advertorial and/or banner
in our blogs
Our profile can also be found on facebook

We would be delighted to assist you

Cordially yours,
Bali Paradise Enterprises
Translator  and Interpreter for business, copy writing , subtitling services and Mobile English & Indonesian Course for one on one and corporate (Corporate  In House training) .
Ph +623618241599 or mobile : 085737137351

Tuesday, May 21, 2013

Bali Promotion Center: Happy 30th anniversary to Nusa Dua Beach Hotel & S...

Bali Promotion Center: Happy 30th anniversary to Nusa Dua Beach Hotel and Spa.: Nusa Dua beach Hotel and spa  Nusa Dua Beach Hotel & Spa is celebrating  its 30th anniversary on 28 May 2013. In that regard, the res...
 Bali Promotion Center wishes Happy 30th anniversary to Nusa Dua Beach Hotel and Spa
There is no better place to experience authentic Balinese heritage and culture on this island of the Gods than the iconic Nusa Dua Beach Hotel and Spa.
Built and opened in 1983, our hotel had recently completed a multi-million dollar renovation in December 2011. Explore our site and let us indulge you with our new beginning. 

Miss Universe 2012 Olivia Culpo : "Achieving peace of mind is never easy. That’s why I visit places like the Borobudur for spiritual health and wellness. The pursuit of the beauty can be just as hard before you focus on the outside, start from the inside. Drink YouC1000 with 1000 mg of Vitamin C to help you strengthen your immune system and to keep you healthy. 
Healthy Inside, fresh outside."

Thursday, March 14, 2013

Catholics have a new pope, the 266th pontiff of the Roman Catholic Church

Bali Promotion Center: Catholics have a new pope, the 266th pontiff of the Roman Catholic Church

Heartiest congratulations from Bali the island of love, Indonesia,  to the Newly Elected Pope , New World Pope , Pope Francis I   Argentina's Cardinal Jorge Mario Bergoglio (76)

Should you have more that we can be of service, please kindly free to
contact us and we would be delighted to assist you

All the best and success,

Our profile on facebook and on HPI is

Om shanti shanti shanti om
Cordially yours,
Rudyanto / Jamesrudy
Bali Paradise Enterprises
Translator  and Interpreter for business , transcribing , subtitling
services and online English & Indonesian v.v
Course for one on one and corporate (Corporate  In House training)  .
Ph +623618241599 or mobile : 085737137351
Tukad Yeh Ho VI , Renon, Denpasar 

Sunday, March 10, 2013

Bali Promotion Center: Happy day of Silence , Saka New Year 1935

Bali Promotion Center: Happy day of Silence , Saka New Year 1935

On March,12th. 2013 (Nyepi or Caka Year 1935) you could witness the Balinese Hindus carrying out the Catur Brata Penyepian, in an additional way the Balinese display how they love their environment in accordance to the Balinese Hindu Philosophy known as “Tri Hitakarana” that explains the relationship between Humanity, God and the Environment. 
Nyepi mandates a day of absolute quietude, based on the four precepts of Catur Brata:
  • Amati Geni: Prohibiting the lighting of fires, the use of lighting or the satisfaction of pleasurable human appetites.
  • Amati Karya: Prohibiting all forms of physical work other than those dedicated to spiritual cleansing and renewal.
  • Amati Lelungan: Prohibiting movement or travel; requiring people to stay within their residences.
  • Amati Lelangunan: Prohibiting all forms of entertainment, recreations or general merrymaking.
In keeping with the strict traditions of the holy day, Bali grinds to an absolute halt for 24-hours from 6:00 a.m. on Tuesday March 12 until Wednesday , March 13, 2013.

The observance of the day is all pervasive and includes:

  • The requirement that Bali visitors stay confined within the grounds of hotels for the 24-hour period and not leave the premises, except in cases of medical emergency.
  • Hotels are asked to limit outside lighting out of respect to the surrounding Balinese communities.
  • Employees of hotels and emergency services must stay confined to their place of employment for the entire 24-hour period.
  • All streets are empty and closed. All businesses are closed. Only emergency vehicles are permitted on the roads.
  • All seaports are closed during the 24-hour period.
  • Bali’s airport is closed during the 24-hour period. No passengers are allowed to land or take off from the airport. Technical stops are allowed but no passenger may disembark or embark on a flight during this period.
  • Television and radio stations are closed and cable broadcast companies are asked to suspend their signals to Bali during the proscribed period.

On Nyepi day  – the day for meditation and absolute silence in Bali, - which this year falls on Friday, 23 March, the entire island of Bali will be closed for 24 hours to all traffic, including air traffic. In keeping with the strict traditions of the holy day, Bali grinds to an absolute stop from 6:00 a.m. on Tuesday , March 12 until Wednesday , March 13, 2013.
Those wishing to visit Bali on or around that day, please take special notice. 
On the eve of Nyepi, celebrations are held when floats of huge colorful paper demons are paraded through the streets of cities, carried to the beach and torched, making a bright bonfire. Each one then quietly retreats to their respective homes to spend the entire day in silent reflection, free from any noise. Homes may also not have any open fires, nor any lights lit at night. 
On this day, no one is allowed on the streets and on the beach, including tourists. Flights to and from Bali will be suspended. While this may sound eerie, in fact, those that have gone through this absolute quietness of a whole island find it a most exhilarating experience.

Happy Nyepi day 2013 , Saka New Year 1935

Wednesday, February 6, 2013

Prince Willem-Alexander becomes king on April 30

We would like to convey our heartiest congratulations to Crown Prince Willem Alexander who will become King of the Netherlands on April 30, 2013.  Cordially yours  from Bali the island of love

Bali Promotion Center: Prince Willem-Alexander becomes king on April 30: Dutch Queen Beatrix has turned  75 years old on January 31st  2013 Dutch Queen Beatrix says Prince Willem-Alexander will become

The Dutch Inauguration of Willem Alexander and Maxima

On April 30th . 2013 , 3 days following his  46th birthday, , Prince Willem Alexander will become the first male to ascend throne since 1890
For more story on King Willem Alexander and the New Dutch Queen Maxima  Click here ...

Willem Alexander and Maxima of Netherlands - 10 years anniversary 

Should you have more that we can be of service, please kindly free to
contact us and we would be delighted to assist you

All the best and success,

Our profile on facebook and on HPI is

Om shanti shanti shanti om
Cordially yours,
Rudyanto / Jamesrudy
Bali Paradise Enterprises
Translator  and Interpreter for business , transcribing , subtitling
services and online English & Indonesian v.v
Course for one on one and corporate (Corporate  In House training)  .
Ph +623618241599 or mobile : 085737137351
  Renon, Denpasar

Tuesday, February 5, 2013

Dirgahayu HPI ke 39, Sejarah Singkat HPI

 Happy 39th Anniversary To HPI (Himpunan Penerjemah Indonesia ) or Association of Indonesian Translators

 Himpunan Penerjemah Indonesia, disingkat HPI, adalah organisasi profesi bagi penerjemah dan juru bahasa di Indonesia. Organisasi ini didirikan pada tanggal 5 Februari 1974 di Jakarta atas prakarsa beberapa orang anggota Dewan Kesenian Jakarta, pengurus TIM, dan didukung oleh Direktorat Pendidikan Departemen Pendidikan dan Kebudayaan, serta Perwakilan UNESCO di Jakarta. Ketua HPI yang pertama adalah Ali Audah.
HPI adalah anggota FIT (Fédération internationale des traducteurs, Federasi Penerjemah Internasional) dan pada tahun 2007 telah melaksanakan Forum Penerjemah Asia ke-5 FIT di Bogor. HPI juga menjadi anggota Badan Pertimbangan dan Pengembangan Buku Nasional (BPPBN). Dalam melaksanakan kegiatannya, HPI juga bekerja sama dengan beberapa lembaga terkait, seperti Pusat Penerjemahan Fakultas Ilmu Pengetahuan Budaya Universitas Indonesia, Pusat Bahasa, dan Pusat Penerjemahan Universitas Nasional serta dalam tahap perencanaan kerja sama dengan lembaga asing seperti Centre Culturel Francais, Goethe Institut, Erasmus Huis, dan British Council.

Sejarah Singkat HPI

HPI ( Himpunan Penerjemah Indonesia ) Association of Indonesian Translators ) didirikan pada 5 Februari 1974 di Jakarta atas prakarsa beberapa orang anggota Dewan Kesenian Jakarta, pengurus TIM, dan didukung oleh Direktorat Pendidikan Departemen Pendidikan dan Kebudayaan, serta Perwakilan UNESCO di Jakarta. Ali Audah menjadi ketua HPI pertama.
Pada tahun-tahun awal berdirinya, anggota HPI sebagian besar terdiri atas penerjemah buku. Program kerja organisasi ini menekankan pencarian proyek penerjemahan bagi para anggotanya. Setelah sempat ‘mati suri’ beberapa lama, HPI dihidupkan kembali pada tahun 2000 di bawah kepemimpinan Prof. Dr. Benny H. Hoed. Pada masa itu, HPI memperlebar cakupan keanggotaannya dengan memasukkan penerjemah dokumen dan juru bahasa. Dilakukan pula pergeseran program kerja yang tidak lagi mencarikan pekerjaan bagi anggotanya, melainkan lebih menekankan peningkatan mutu penerjemah dan juru bahasa untuk memajukan harkat profesi ini.
HPI adalah anggota FIT/IFT (International Federation of Translators) dan telah menghadiri kongres FIT di Wina (1984), Beograd (1990), Brighton (1993), Melbourne (1996), dan di Beijing (2004). Di dalam negeri, HPI menjadi anggota Badan Pertimbangan dan Pengembangan Buku Nasional (BPPBN). Pada 11-12 April 2007, HPI atas mandat dari FIT menyelenggarakan kegiatan 3 tahunan FIT, yaitu Forum Penerjemah Asia ke-5 FIT di Bogor.
Dalam Kongres IX tahun 2007, Hendarto Setiadi terpilih sebagai Ketua HPI untuk periode 2007-2010 menggantikan Prof. Dr. Benny H. Hoed. Salah satu keberhasilan tim pengurus ini adalah diperkenalkannya Tes Sertifikasi Nasional yang untuk pertama kalinya diselenggarakan pada tanggal 17 Juli 2010 di Jakarta.
Dalam Kongres X tanggal 16 Oktober 2010, Djoko Rahadi Notowidigdo (Eddie) terpilih sebagai Ketua Umum HPI untuk periode 2010-2013 menggantikan Hendarto Setiadi. Butir-butir pokok rencana kerja Badan Pengurus 2010-2013 adalah:

   Membantu pemerintah dalam penciptaan lapangan kerja
   Perluasan dan peningkatan layanan kepada para anggota
   Penyelenggaraan berbagai jenis pelatihan untuk meningkatkan kemampuan
   para penerjemah di tingkat pusat maupun di daerah
   Pembentukan Komisariat Daerah untuk menjangkau para penerjemah di daerah
   Pengembangan hubungan kerja sama dengan lembaga pendidikan tinggi
   di tingkat pusat maupun di daerah
   Penyelenggaraan dan keturutsertaan dalam acara-acara nasional, regional, dan internasional

Pengurus HPI DEWAN KEHORMATAN Benny Hoed Alfons Taryadi Ali Audah Sapardi Djoko Darmono Rahayu Surtiati Hidayat Sofia Fifi Mansoor Kepala Pusat Bahasa
BADAN PENGURUS HPI PUSAT Ketua Umum Djoko Rahadi Notowidigdo (Eddie) KESEKRETARIATAN DAN KEANGGOTAAN Kesekretariatan Anna Wiksmadhara, Lila Erliana Keanggotaan Yulia Absari KEUANGAN Nelce Manoppo
INFORMASI DAN TEKNOLOGI Ivan Lanin Evina Utami Indra Blanquita Mila Kartina Dina Begum
PENGEMBANGAN PROFESI Perencanaan Margaretha Adisoemarta Sugeng Hariyanto Ade Indarta Wiyanto Suroso Kegiatan Naindra Pramudita Farah Rahmat Susan Kumaat Sofia Sari
BADAN PENGURUS KOMISARIAT DAERAH KOMISARIAT DAERAH JAWA BARAT (Komda Jabar) Didirikan di Bandung pada 23 Juli 2011 Ketua Lanny Irenewati Utoyo Wakil Ketua Meita Lukitawati Sujatna Sekretaris M. Ramdhan Adhi Bendahara Betty Sihombing KOMISARIAT DAERAH JAWA TIMUR (Komda Jatim) Didirikan di Malang pada 29 Oktober 2011
Ketua Sutarto Mohammad Sekretaris Ahnan Alex Bendahara Meidy Maringka, Anto Wibowo KOMISARIAT DAERAH YOGYAKARTA dan JAWA TENGAH (Komda DIY & Jateng) Didirikan di Yogyakarta pada 21 April 2012 Ketua Claryssa Suci Fong Sekretaris Andika Priadiputra Bendahara Sandra Dewi Wirawan

Sources : and

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Monday, January 7, 2013

Online English & Indonesian Course

Bali Paradise Enterprises
Translation and subtitling from Indonesian to English vice versa
Online English and Indonesian Course
Phone : 0361-82415199 Mobile +6285737137351

Thank you for visiting our blog 

Did you know that research suggests students who learn online not only learn more efficiently, but also retain what they've learned better?
Studies show:
Online learning can increase knowledge retention by up to 60%
Online courses are generally shorter than classroom training on the same subject by up to 60%
Today, over 4.6 million students are studying at least one of their courses online

We provide a 12/7 online English and Indonesian course so that students can choose their own schedule at their convenience and develop real and lasting conversational skills much faster than expected. Many people have exceptionally important reasons to learn Indonesian and English . To serve this purpose, students can learn from us everyday and we will delightedly take you from zero experience through conversational fluency.  Additionally students may have a free translation service for a certain number of pages from Indonesian to English vice versa within a month
Online English & Indonesian Course
                                Translator in Bali, Indonesia. 
Thanks for visiting our website and we look forward to serving you. As a token of appreciation , we present before you an epic fashion show . happy watching ! 

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 Bali Hotels Association Chooses Mobile-Learning Technology Company  Qooco To Introduce Its First-Ever Online Language Learning Program  Customized program caters to changing language requirements for  hospitality and service staff in Bali

03 May, 2013 – As part of its dedication to upholding quality service,  the Bali Hotels Association (BHA) has partnered with mobile learning  technology company Qooco to implement its first-ever staff language
training program. The leading hotel group, whose members include  General Managers from more than 100 hotels and resorts in Bali  representing almost 30,000 employees, will use Qooco’s online language
learning programs to improve their spoken Mandarin and English  language abilities.

In the past two years, Bali has experienced a phenomenal increase in  the number of Chinese tourists. In 2010, Bali had a 175.25 percent  growth in Chinese tourists compared to the previous year. Last year in
2012, Chinese visitors were the second largest foreign arrivals to  visit Bali. Australians, who generally speak English, were ranked at  number one.

For more news

Should you have more that we can be of service, please kindly free to
contact us and we would be delighted to assist you

All the best and success,

Our profile on facebook is

We would be delighted to assist you
Om shanti shanti shanti om
Cordially yours,
Bali Paradise Enterprises
Translator  and Interpreter for business , transcribing , subtitling
services and online English & Indonesian Course for one on one and
corporate (Corporate  In House training)  .
Ph +623618241599 or mobile : 085737137351 PIN BB 321268C6

Friday, January 4, 2013

Bali Promotion Center: Miss World 2013 Bali Jakarta Joint hosts

Bali Promotion Center: Miss World 2013 Bali Jakarta Joint hosts: Bali - Jakarta, INDONESIA Host the 63rd. Miss World 2013  Miss World 2012 China PR -- Yu Wenxia 1st Runner-up Wales -- S...

News update for Miss world 2013 in Bali and Jakarta, Indonesia.

One hundred and thirty one beauty pageants from across the globe will be headed for Bali in September 2013 for the Miss World 2013 Contest.
The event organizers said they had  chosen Bali, the island of love due to its global popularity and its track record of hosting international events.
Bali hosted the Association of Southeast Asian Nations summit last year and will host the Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation Summit in November 2013.
Indonesian tourism officials are currently working on a theme and other arrangements that will showcase the best of Indonesia to the rest of the world during the beauty pageant.
The contest is a gold mine in terms of promoting a country as a tourism destination with an estimated annual global television audience of one billion.